Friday, November 30, 2012

Publishing Made Easy - Tips on How to Get Your Manuscript Published

Publishing is an extremely competitive business. There are three main ways to go about getting your manuscript published; through an agent, directly through a publishing company, or by taking the increasingly popular self-publishing option.

The best way to improve your chances of getting your book published by a traditional publisher is to find an agent who will 'take you under their wing' and add you to their list of clients. Publishing companies very rarely read or pay any attention to unsolicited manuscripts (i.e. a manuscript submitted by an author NOT by an agent). Therefore, you are in a much more likely to get your manuscript published if you have an agent.

Unfortunately, getting an agent to agree to take you on as a client is almost as hard as it is to get a publisher to read your work. Agents give your work approximately 20 seconds of time before making a decision to either pursue you or reject you.., and 90-99% get rejected. It is tough!

Publishing Made Easy - Tips on How to Get Your Manuscript Published

So getting an agent...

- There are hundreds of Literary Agents in the UK. You need to target those agencies that handle the kind of writing that you do. So, get a copy of the 'Writers Market UK 2008', or the 'Writers and Artists Yearbook 2008'. These list literary agents, telling you what genre of writing each agency deals with.

- You can contact the Association of Author's Agents ( or the Society of Authors ( who should be able to point you in the right direction, and provide a list of suggested agencies that would suit your novel.

- Call or email the appropriate agencies to enquire about their procedure for submitting manuscripts. If you don't follow procedure you will automatically be rejected.

- Write a well-written, succinct letter, briefly outlining your work and include a synopsis, together with three polished chapters and a brief CV. Make sure each letter is tailored to each individual agency - do not send generic covering letters, and make sure you address them to an appropriate individual at the agency, not a 'Dear Sir / Madam'

- Submit and wait. If the agency is interested they will make contact with you and ask for more information. If they aren't interested you will either receive a rejection letter / email, or unfortunately you won't hear back from them.

Getting a publisher without an agent...

If you are unsuccessful in securing an agent, or you want to try targeting the publishers direct, without using an agent, the process is basically exactly the same as it is for trying to ascertain an agent;

- You need to target publishers that handle the kind of writing that you do. So, get a copy of the 'Writers Market UK 2008', or the 'Writers and Artists Yearbook 2008'. These list publishing companies, telling you what genre of writing each publisher deals with.

- Call or email the appropriate publishers to enquire about their procedure for submitting manuscripts. If you don't follow procedure you will automatically be rejected.

- Write a well-written, succinct letter, briefly outlining your work and include a synopsis, together with three polished chapters and a brief CV. Make sure each letter is tailored to each individual publishing company - do not send generic covering letters, and make sure you address them to an appropriate individual at the agency, not a 'Dear Sir / Madam'

- Submit and wait. If the publisher is interested they will make contact with you and ask for more information. If they aren't interested you will either receive a rejection letter / email, or unfortunately you won't hear back from them.

It is really very hard to get published nowadays because agencies and publishers will only ever give your submission a 20 second read before making a decision on its worth. Furthermore, most agencies and publishers' client lists are already full, so they aren't looking to take on new writers. On the other hand, without writers, agencies and publishing companies wouldn't exist - so they do need fresh new talent to keep their businesses alive!

Self Publishing

If you find that you aren't getting anywhere with securing an agent or a traditional publishing company, you can try 'Self-Publishing'. This is where you pay a publishing company to publish and print your book for you. They can register it for an ISBN and will often make it available for purchase over the internet.

Self publishing companies have a range of products, ranging from a single publish and print package, to a distribution, cover design and marketing packages. Different packages and different self-publishing agencies will have different pricing schemes; but as a guide price you can expect a standard, high quality self-publishing option to cost between £600 - £1000.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

Scientifically Tested Olive Leaf Herb Is Known To Kill Every Virus And Germ Known To Man

What is the worst case scenario for the bird flu or just how bad could it get? A question I have always wanted the answer to. Well history is always the best teacher and we have an excellent historical teacher from 1918. The answer there is the bird flu of 1918, and that teacher is foreboding. Called the aquatic bird flu that actually started in China (sound familiar) then somehow got into Kansas not Europe. Isn't that interesting? It started among US Cavalry horses then moved to American troopers assigned to those mounts, stationed in Kansas. These Cavalry soldiers were shipped to the battle fields of Europe to take part in the fighting. Some of those soldiers arrived infected with the virus. This flu circulated throughout the densely packed cities of Europe then made its way back to America and did the same there. In a little over a years time it had run its course and 40 to 50 million people were dead.

In 1918 the big cities like London had a million people. Today our mega cities have 10 plus million people and a very fast transport system. Any new bird flu virus can travel in infected people across the world in a matter of days.

Why can't modern medicine help us?

Scientifically Tested Olive Leaf Herb Is Known To Kill Every Virus And Germ Known To Man

Until the bird flu virus of today mutates to its human infecting form, no scientific steps can be taken to create a serum. Only then can science develop the serum and begin to make large batches. This takes considerable amounts of time and fertile chicken eggs and there are not many around. Under optimal conditions modern science takes at least 6 months, minimum. Remember I just said above, it only takes days to move the virus across the world. So even with all the pharmaceutical companies around the world creating this serum only a small part of the world's population would be protected. I hate to make this sound worse, but the virus can also mutate into other human infecting forms and other serums must be developed.

The Herbal Solution to a Bird Flu Epidemic

You can see how bad it can get and how little modern medicine can do. There has really been little progress since 1918. So what can be done to protect yourself and your family? Here is the answer that has been around for ages. Olive leaf tincture is the answer to bird flu and all other germs and virus infections. But do not take my word for it, here is some of the history of this very powerful herb and what modern science found when they looked at it.

History of Olive Leaf as Herbal Medicine

I personally believe that God was referring to the olive tree in Ezekiel 47:12, God spoke of a tree: "The fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine."

The ancient Egyptians may have been the first to put the olive leaf to practical use. They regarded it as a symbol of heavenly power, and in keeping with that belief, they extracted its oil and used it to mummify their kings. The Egyptians and later cultures also found, and there is documentation, that the olive leaf was a great herbal medicine for the relief of fevers (sounds like viral infections to me).

The knowledge of the medicinal properties of the tree (Olea europaea) date back to the early 1800's where it was used in liquid form as a very effective treatment for malarial infections. According to the 1854 Pharmaceutical Journal of Provincial Transactions, pages 353 and 354(a), the doctors at that time stated that the properties of the tree, Olea europaea, deserved more extensive investigation.

In the early 1900's, a bitter compound was found in the leaves of certain olive trees called "Oleuropein." This compound was determined to be part of the olive tree's powerful disease resistant structure. In 1962, European researchers recorded that oleuropein had the ability to lower blood pressure in animals, increase blood flow in the coronary arteries, relieve arrhythmias and prevent intestinal muscle spasms. A Dutch researcher found the chemical responsible for olive leafs healing power was elenolic acid which has strong antiviral, bacterial and antiparasitic properties.

Modern Medicine Finds That Olive Leaf is a Powerful Medicine

In the late 60's and early 70's, The Upjohn Companies' test studies were published by The American Society for Microbiology in regards to a new multifunctional monoterpene which they had isolated from various parts of the olive tree. The compound was called calcium elenolate, a crystalline salt form of elenolic acid. When they tested this compound it was found to be virucidal against all viruses for which it was tested. The compound acted effectively at low concentrations without any harmful influence on host cell mechanisms. It was also found to be extremely safe and nontoxic, even at high doses. While it worked extremely well in-vitro, it was unsuccessful in-vitro. When injected into the blood stream, the compound bound quickly to the blood serum protein and rendered itself ineffective. They were unable to overcome this problem and terminated their research. During this same period, other companies had interest in the compound and performed various tests, but also lost interest. Then in 1990, interest was renewed and the process of bringing the remarkable product Olive Leaf Extract to market began.

A safety study on calcium elenolate was laboratory tested with animals and published by The Upjohn Company in 1970. The study concluded that even in doses several hundred times higher than recommended, no toxic or other adverse side effects appeared..

Recent Australian studies show that liquid olive leaf extract made from fresh olive leaves has up to 40 times more antioxidants than even the very best extra virgin olive oils. This same fresh Olive Leaf Extract also has 5 times more antioxidant power than Vitamin C, 28 times more antioxidant power than Noni juices and 6 times more than Goji juices.

The Power of Olive Leaves

Effective against fever and helpful for nervous tension; great immune booster and viral/bacterial killer. Researchers credit a number of unique properties possessed by the olive leaf compound for the broad killing power: an ability to interfere with critical amino acid production essential for viruses, an ability to contain viral infection and/or spread by inactivating viruses or by preventing virus shedding, budding or assembly at the cell membrane, and the ability to directly penetrate infected cells and stop viral replication in the case of retroviruses. It is able to neutralize the production of reverse transcriptase and protease (an enzyme found in retroviruses that enable the virus to make DNA from viral RNA). These enzymes are essential for a retrovirus, such as HIV, to alter the RNA of a healthy cell. It can stimulate phagocytosis, an immune system response in which immune cells ingest harmful microorganisms and foreign matter.

Summary of conditions for which olive leaf extract acts as a microbial and anti-viral agent

AIDS Amoebiasis Anthrax Athlete's Foot Bladder Infection Campylobacter Chicken Pox Chlamydia Cholera Common Cold Cold Sore (herpes simplex) Cryptosporidiosis Cytomegalovirus Diarrheal Disease Diphtheria Ear Infection Ebola Sudan Virus E. Coli Epstein-Barr Virus Flu (influenza) Gastric Ulcers (from H. Pylori) Genital Herpes/Warts Giardia Gonorrhea Group B Strep Hantavirus Hepatitis A, B, C Herpes Zoster (shingles) Lyme Disease Malaria Measles Meningitis (bacterial) Meningitis (viral) Mononucleosis Pinworms Pneumonia (bacterial) Pneumonia (viral) Polio Pork Tapeworm Rabies Rheumatic Fever Ringworm Retrovirus infection Roundworm Rotavirus Infection RSV Staphylococcal Food Poisoning Strep Throat Syphilis Tuberculosis Thrush Toxic Shock Syndrome Trichinosis Typhoid Fever Urinary Tract Infections Vaginal Yeast Infections

Die-Off Syndrome

There are no negative side effects with Olive leaf extract but it does have a healthy side effect called the Herxheimer or "Die-Off" effect. Here is what takes place during a die-off effect. In the body there are microbes or viruses that somehow manage to evade the body's immune system. Upon exposure to olive leaf tincture these microbes and viruses are destroyed which is a good thing for the person. After the microbe virus death, their cell-wall proteins are absorbed through the weakened mucous membrane, which surrounds them. The body recognizes these as toxins and begins its natural processes to get rid of them. If present in too large of numbers for the eliminative system to handle, the individual may develop symptoms that include headaches, swelling in the mouth, throat, sinuses, and lymphatic's, rashes, fatigue, diarrhea, muscle/joint achiness, or other flu-like symptoms. The severity will vary from person to person, depending on the extent of their condition, the state of their immune and eliminatory systems, and how much olive leaf extract is being consumed.

The die off effect is desirable as it indicates that the body is being cleared of these hazardous microbes and viruses. Anyone who experiences these unpleasant effects generally feels fabulously well afterwards many times better than ever before.

If you feel the effects and you would like to minimize them, there are some easy things you can do. Many physicians recommend that an individual consume plenty of water in between usages of the product. Water keeps the lymphatic system and the kidneys functioning properly and more capable of handling the excess toxins. Another way to reduce the effects is to cut back on the dose of tincture that you are taking or go off it completely for a day or two before slowly increasing the dose once again. It can take anywhere from a couple of days to a week to completely rid the body of the excess toxins.

Why Olive Leaf Tincture?

A good question, and the answer makes common sense. Tinctures are made from the ground herb combined with pure grain alcohol. The alcohol acts as a solvent extracting the active healing ingredients out of the herb. The alcohol is then pressed out of the herb, all the valuable active herbal ingredients are now in the alcohol, the herbal pulp is discarded. This process can be done with one or a combination of herbs. In an alcohol tincture form the herb(s) are easily assimilated by the body to immediately begin the healing process such as killing germs or viruses.


There is no official dose for taking olive leaf tincture even though it has been around for thousands of years of use and testing. The most popular amount for a maintenance dose is 2 droppers full twice daily on an empty stomach before meals. For conditions such as the common cold, flu, sinus infections, and basic respiratory tract infections, the dose is 2 droppers full every 2 hours. For acute infections such as sore throat, swollen glands, fever, etc., the recommendation is 3 droppers full every 2 hours.

Safety of Olive Leaf Tincture

From all indications over the thousands of years of use by professional and nonprofessional people; Olive leaf tincture appears to be an extremely safe supplement that can effectively aid the body in improving immune function and fighting infection by various microbes and viruses. To my knowledge and through my research I have not found one single negative case involving the use of olive leaf tincture.

Shelf Life

Alcohol acts as a preservative and if stored in a cool, dark place, tinctures can last indefinitely. I have herbal tinctures that have lasted 15 years and were just as strong as when I first used them. As I said above, avoid heat, sunlight, and exposure to air, and your tinctures will keep their "just picked" freshness for as long as you own them.


Don't take olive leaf with antibiotics as they can be inactivated by olive leaf.

Don't take olive leaf with Warfarin (Coumadin) this drug can cause internal bleeding.

Olive leaf naturally relaxes blood vessels and capillaries which could increase Coumadin's side effect.


The main reference for the information in this article was taken from Doctor Jack Ritchason's Book "Olive Leaf Extract" Woodland publishing, Pleasant Grove, Utah. 1999

Nature's multi-functional force against infections and cardiovascular disease? by Amanda Jackson Ph.D.

Positive Health Publications LTD 1994-2002

Handbook of Medicinal Herbs, by James A. Duke, Pub. CRP Second Edition 2007

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Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer eighteen years ago. Visit Paul's website on Herbal Remedies, Natural Healing Herbs for more interesting information on improving your health, or for more information on the powerful Olive Leaf herb.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

Does He Want a Relationship? How to Know If He Wants You

Do you feel like you are really falling hard for a new guy in your life? You know that he is attracted to you, but does he want a relationship or are you just someone that he wants to have fun with? If you don't feel that asking him is the right way to find out then here is what you can do instead.

If you have decided not to just ask the guy outright then you probably know men better than you think you do. You have made the right decision, because if there is one subject that men hate to talk about it is romance. This is especially true of questions about whether or not and how much he likes a girl.

But do not despair because you can still find the answer without even having to ask him about it and potentially scare him away. Besides, you should know that actions speak louder than words. Anyone can say anything, but it is the way that a guy acts that tells you if he wants a relationship with you or not.

Does He Want a Relationship? How to Know If He Wants You

If the guy in question makes it a point to try to spend real quality time with you, then he probably wants a relationship. When a guy likes a girl he will do whatever he can to impress her and make her want to see him again. However, if he is always calling you last minute to hang out at his place and watch television, then he is not trying hard and not taking you seriously.

Does he want a relationship enough to agree with you when you tell him that you are not going to sleep with him early on? Guys who just want to be with a woman to get her in bed will probably take off once they find out that the girl is not going to sleep with him right off. So if you tell him that it could be months before you are ready and he seems fine with that, that is the best indication that he does want a relationship with you.

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This article is contributed by Tina Jones. Tina is part of the Unforgettable Woman Publishing Team. She works together with founder Alexandra Fox and writes dating/relationship articles for women who want to understand male psychology, how to attract men, and find true love. You can find more about Unforgettable Woman Publishing by visiting their website.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

How to Make an Email Address - Remember Your Password

If you're new to the world of the internet, one of the first things you'll need to do is to figure out how to create an email address. An email address is just like a street address - it helps people figure out where to send mail addressed to you. If you have an email address, you can receive messages from friends and family members. They can also send you pictures or videos. You can also receive coupons and advertisements.

If you're wondering how to make email address, the first thing you'll need to do is pick a company to get your address from. Gmail, Yahoo mail, and Hotmail are common companies - you can look for them online. Another easy way how to make email address is to get it through your ISP (the company that provides your email). You can call them and they will walk you through how to get an email address.

Should you choose to receive email through an online company such as Yahoo, you must first log into their web page by typing the name of the online company into a search browser. Once you are on their web page you will see a choice such as "set up new account" or "sign up" or "get email." In order to proceed, you must select one of those options.

How to Make an Email Address - Remember Your Password

You will then be asked for some basic information about yourself. If you are worried about your privacy, just give as little information as possible. You can also make up a fake name if you want, but that will make it harder for people to find you. Usually, you only have to give them a little bit of information - they mark the required boxes with a star or another symbol. The rest of the information boxes are optional.

You'll also get to pick your own email address. This works just like your street address and allows people to contact you online, or even to send you pictures. Choose an address that is easy for you to remember and that other people will recognize as being you. One possible option would be to use some combination of your names. If your name is John A. Smith, for example, you might pick jsmith, jasmith, or johns to be your email address.

Often times, because there are so many people out there with email addresses, somebody has already taken the address you want! How to make email address if this happens is to put a number after the address you want - for example, you could use jsmith905 or jsmith215. Once again, try to make it a number that is easy to remember. You should do the same with the password you select - pick one that is easy to remember!

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The author has been writing online articles since 2006 as well as publishing websites on a number of topics since 2004. Check out the latest website about catering business which helps people starting their own catering business as well as giving ideas about catering recipes and other catering services. Please visit for more information.

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

ISBN - What Does it Really Mean?

ISBN = International Standard Book Number

Most small and self-publishers know that an ISBN is a necessary number that identifies their book within the book industry. But what do all those numbers actually mean? Can anyone look at an ISBN and extract any useful information?

Let's consider what the 13 digits in an ISBN mean to the book industry (publishers, wholesalers, distributors, libraries, and retailers).

ISBN - What Does it Really Mean?

First, note that you may encounter two versions of ISBNs -- the ISBN-10 and the ISBN-13. Besides three more digits, what's the difference?

A few years ago, the ISBN folks realized that they would soon exhaust the mathematical possibilities of the 10-digit format. Too many books were being published in too many different formats. The solution was obvious -- expand the format to incorporate more digits. You might think that adding three more digits would increase the available numbers by a factor of 1,000...but you'd be wrong.

It only doubled them.

How could that be? you might wonder.

To answer that question, consider the bar code on the back cover of a book. You will usually find the ISBN printed in human-readable form (i.e., in numerals) just above the bar code. Up until a couple of years ago, that would have been the 10-digit ISBN. Then, during a transition period, it frequently included both the 10- and 13-digit forms of the ISBN. Now, most newly published books will show only the ISBN-13 (although some are still including both). You might also have noticed that there are human-readable numerals sort of embedded along the lower edge of the bar code. Those digits are the ISBN-13...and always have been (even when there was no such thing as an ISBN-13).

In the days of only ISBN-10, a book's bar code with its embedded numerals (technically known as the Bookland EAN, or European Article Number) consisted of the ISBN-10 plus a 978 prefix and, usually, a different final digit.

Now, with the implementation of ISBN-13, the ISBN and the Bookland EAN will be identical, including the final digit.

Confused yet? Hold on. Let's decode an ISBN-13 to help clear things up.

The ISBN-13 and Bookland EAN, consist of five distinct parts:978 or 979 prefix (all this means is that the number refers to a book -- after all, the EAN is used for a lot of other non-book products with their own unique prefixes) Group or country identifier (for books published in the English group -- meaning the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc. -- this will a "0" or a "1") Publisher prefix (this can from two to seven digits, depending on the size of the specific block of ISBNs) Title identifier (this is actually the part that is assigned to a specific title, edition, and format published by the publisher identified by the publisher prefix) Check digit (the last digit in the ISBN, always just a single digit, that is calculated using a specific mathematical algorithm and only really matters to computer databases and such -- you don't have to know how to compute it)
Note: To date, nobody has been assigned an ISBN block with the 979 prefix, although R. R. Bowker expects to begin issuing those later this year. Since the ISBN-13 system allows for only two book-prefix possibilities (either 978 or 979), the change to ISBN-13 only doubles the available possibilities. One mystery solved.

Real-World Example: 978-1-934631-21-8

What does that string of numbers tell us?

Right away, you can see the "978" prefix that tells us this is a book. The next digit, the "1" following the first hyphen, says it was published in one of the English group countries. The next set of digits (934631) is the publisher prefix. If you looked up this prefix in one of the industry databases, like Books-in-Print, you would find out that "934631" identifies Slipdown Mountain Publications LLC...and only Slipdown Mountain Publications LLC. Nobody else will ever be issued that specific publisher prefix.

The next set of digits (21) represent one specific title, edition, and format in the block of "934631" publisher-prefix ISBNs. In this case, it is the first edition of my own book Devil in the North Woods and, specifically, the e-book format of that book. No other book will ever use the title identifier "21" with the publisher prefix of "934631" and the group identifier "0." And that's what makes it unique. And what makes sure nobody orders an e-book format for this book when they really wanted the paperback format.

Note: The paperback format of that same book has a different ISBN (in this case 978-0-9746553-1-4, which also has a different publisher prefix since our company owns two different blocks of ISBNs although both point only to us).

And then there's the final, check, digit (8, in this case). The check digit calculation involves applying a mathematical algorithm to all the preceding digits (which is why the check digit for the ISBN-10 format is almost always different than the check digit for the ISBN-13 format of the same basic ISBN). The check digit can also be an "X," which is used if the check digit calculation results in "10."

By knowing the publisher prefix, you can immediately determine the size of that block of ISBNs. Since there are only 13 digits total, and the 978 (or 979 eventually) plus the group identifier always total four digits and the check digit is always a single digit, there are only eight digits left to work with. In the above example, the publisher prefix is six digits, leaving only two digits to assign to specific books and, thus, only 100 possibilities (00-99). Therefore, this represents a block of 100 ISBNs.

Since self-publishers usually buy a block of 10 ISBNs and small publishers typically buy a block 100, anyone who cares can quickly determine the size of your publishing venture. And they can determine that even if you leave out the hyphens...but that's a lengthy subject better suited for a follow-up article.

If the ISBN for your book was assigned by one of the many subsidy publishers (who prefer to call themselves "self-publishing companies" or "POD publishers"), the publisher prefix will clearly designate that subsidy publisher as the publisher-of-record. Which means you did not really self-publish at all, as far as the book industry (trade journals, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, libraries, etc.) is concerned. Having a subsidy publisher listed as your book's publisher is like starting your at-bat with two strikes already counted against you.

And that's probably not the way you want to launch your book's marketing campaign.

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Walt Shiel is the Managing Partner and Publishing Mentor at Five Rainbows Services for Authors & Publishers, a subsidiary of Slipdown Mountain Publications where he serves as Publisher. Besides offering a full range of affordable publishing solutions, Five Rainbows can tailor a mentoring program to help you achieve your specific goals for your book! And be sure to check out Walt's View From the Publishing Trenches blog.

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Monday, November 12, 2012

Fortunes of the Rabbit in Dragon Year 2012-13

Your birth year, the Fourth Sign of the Chinese Zodiac? Were you 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72 (and so-on in 12-year increments) between 3rd February 2011 and 23rd January 2012? (Rabbit Year's end) or know of a baby due/born during this period? Do partners, friends, relatives or colleagues fall into this category? If you do, this article should interest you!

The Rabbit

Years of the RABBIT:

Fortunes of the Rabbit in Dragon Year 2012-13

1903 Water; 1915 Wood; 1927 Fire; 1939 Earth; 1951 Metal; 1963 Water; 1975 Wood; 1987 Fire; 1999 Earth; 2011 Metal

4th Place Lucky Rabbit has Longevity Links!

Famous Rabbits Include:

Orson Wells, Donnie Yen, Bob Hope, Angelina Jolie, Lewis Carroll, John Cleese, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, David Beckham, Ingrid Bergman, Albert Einstein, Leon Trotsky, Li Lin-Jie (Jet Li) Frank Sinatra, Tiger Woods and Whitney Houston.


Relaxed, laid back and into various forms of cultivation, Rabbits are considered the luckiest Animal. They rarely gamble (being conservative at heart and risk-averse) but do so skillfully when tempted. Reliable and trustworthy, and the last to renege on contractual commitments, although Rabbits can be a little too easy-going at times.

Fond of gossip, Rabbits are articulate, virtuous and well-liked but occasionally they can be over-cautious and boring. Lucky Rabbit is a Sign frequently linked to longevity!

Ideal Rabbit Careers and Occupations Include:

Politics, Diplomacy, Writing and Publishing, Education, Performing Arts, Fashion Design, Medicine, Administration and Public Relations - Rabbits also make excellent Therapists.


In relationship terms, Rabbits are most compatible with those born under the Signs of the Sheep, Dog and Pig and least with those born under the Signs of the Rooster and Rat.

The Rabbit in Dragon Year 2012-13

Expect good news from within your family. Rising income and expenditure accompany each other, this renders saving a very good idea for this year.

Mood-swings may occur from time-to-time and Rabbits should take care and try to moderate these considering the volatility inherent in the nature of Dragon Years. Spring and Summer are your best times of Year, try to capitalise upon progress made then. Similarly, watch out for unnecessary expenditure later in the Year, especially in the Winter months.

In Fact

The Yellow Emperor, Huang Di (circa 2,690-2,590 BC) is credited with creation of the Chinese Calendar in its current form, although it is certain it was in use long before this. Yin/Yang and 5 Elements Theories, fundamentally affecting the way his Calendar operates are also credited to the Yellow Emperor and exert powerful influences on events to this day.

Dragon Year 2012-13 is Year 4,710 by this Calendar, which is also used by many other countries of S.E. Asia. The Chinese who also (not surprisingly) invented History as a Subject for study, have the longest written and consistent, chronological record of events on the Planet (one from which we can can learn much!).

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Feng Shui Consultant Peter Allsop M.Ed. also publishes 'Red Dragon Martial Arts Ezine'. Longevity Training, Iron Shirt, 5 Elements Qigong, Daoism, Chinese metaphysics and Astrology feature among his interests alongside gem and crystal Feng Shui.

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Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Difference Between Formal and Informal Writing

When it comes to writing in English, there are two main styles of writing - formal and informal. Consider these two examples:

Example 1:

This is to inform you that your book has been rejected by our publishing company as it was not up to the required standard. In case you would like us to reconsider it, we would suggest that you go over it and make some necessary changes.

The Difference Between Formal and Informal Writing

Example 2:
You know that book I wrote? Well, the publishing company rejected it. They thought it was awful. But hey, I did the best I could, and I think it was great. I'm not gonna redo it the way they said I should.

The difference between the two is obvious. The first one is formal, and the second is informal. But what is it that makes them formal and informal?

It is the style of writing, or the way we use words to say what we want to say. Different situations call for different ways of putting words together. The way we write in academic and scientific settings differs greatly from the way we write to a friend or close one. The tone, vocabulary, and syntax, all change as the occasion changes. This difference in the styles of writing is the difference between formality and informality, or the difference between formal and informal writing.

Following is a list of some of the main differences between informal and formal writing:

Informal: May use colloquial words/expressions (kids, guy, awesome, a lot, etc.)

Formal: Avoid using colloquial words/expressions (substitute with children, man/boy, wonderful, many, etc.)

Informal: May use contractions (can't, won't, shouldn't, etc.).

Formal: Avoid contractions (write out full words - cannot, will not, should not, etc.).

Informal: May use first, second, or third person.

Formal: Write in third person (except in business letters where first person may be used).

Informal: May use clichés (loads of, conspicuous by absence, etc.)

Formal: Avoid clichés (use many, was absent, etc.)

Informal: May address readers using second person pronouns (you, your, etc)

Formal: Avoid addressing readers using second person pronouns (use one, one's, the reader, the reader's, etc.)

Informal: May use abbreviated words (photo, TV, etc)

Formal: Avoid using abbreviated words (use full versions - like photograph, television, etc.)

Informal: May use imperative voice (e.g. Remember....)

Formal: Avoid imperative voice (use Please refer to.....)

Informal: May use active voice (e.g. We have notice that.....)

Formal: Use passive voice (e.g. It has been noticed that....)

Informal: May use short and simple sentences.

Formal: Longer and more complex sentences are preferred (short simple sentences reflects poorly on the writer)

Informal: Difficulty of subject may be acknowledged and empathy shown to the reader.

Formal: State your points confidently and offer your argument firm support.

These are just some of the differences between formal and informal writing. The main thing to remember is that both are correct, it is just a matter of tone and setting. Formal English is used mainly in academic writing and business communications, whereas Informal English is casual and is appropriate when communicating with friends and other close ones. Choose the style of writing keeping in mind what you are writing and to whom. But whichever style you write in - formal or informal - be sure to keep it consistent, do not mix the two.

The Difference Between Formal and Informal Writing
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Monday, November 5, 2012

Self Publishing A Book Is Inexpensive and Simple

Self publishing a book has to be one of the most satisfying things you can do in your life. You will increase your value to society by offering information to people who seek it. You will have opportunities be offered to you without even looking - we are talking amazing and interesting opportunities you never considered possible before you wrote a book. You will make money while you sleep - internet bookstores do not close, they are open 24 hours. The question, however is how are you going to make it happen? Many people are thwarted by the idea that self publishing is only for the rich with an abundance of time on their hands. That idea could not be further from the truth.

Okay, well the truth is that ten years ago self publishing was for the rich who had an abundance of time on their hands. Sort of, it was called vanity publishing and it was mainly for folks who wanted to see their name in print. That was the perception anyway. Some very famous authors have self published including Edgar Allen Poe, Mark Twain, Upton Sinclair, ee Cummings, Virginia Wolf, Henry David Thoreau and even John Grisham. Some pretty famous writers got their beginnings in self publishing.

Okay so now you know that some very famous people have self published and that self publishing used to have a negative connotation. Today, with the invention and proliferation of internet usage, self publishing is now available to anyone who has something to say. In fact, it is so simple and inexpensive that there are almost 90,000 small publishers.

Self Publishing A Book Is Inexpensive and Simple

What makes it so easy?

Competition is a huge factor. Because the internet has made it so easy to publish, there are tons of fulfillment options, distributors, printers and even book writing tools. In fact, there are a number of tools you can use online to help you write and publish your book that are completely free. For example open office offers a word processing program. Weebly offers free website hosting and design and open source marketing tools.

In addition to free options and low cost printing there are an abundance of distribution and fulfillment centers. In fact is happy to help you sell your book and offers a variety of options ranging from letting you simply list your book to full fledged printing and publishing.

Additionally, the internet makes it tremendously easy to research for your book, including research for the target market, your competition, and research for the book itself. The internet also makes it easy to market your book. A website and a few tools to drive traffic to your website and your book can take on a life of its own.

Lastly, the internet makes it easy to become a publisher. All of the information you need from naming and establishing your publishing company to applying for an ISBN number can be found and implemented online.

The internet has made self publishing tremendously inexpensive and simple. All you need to publish a book is a little time and determination.

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