Sunday, February 17, 2013

Colon Pain - Things You Must Know

Colon pain should never be ignored. Although you may sometimes experience pain for a minor reason, the pain can also be the harbinger of something being seriously wrong. There are many different conditions which can cause colon pain, including colon infections, constipation, and colon cancers. If you are suffering from a pain in your abdomen which won't go away, have it checked out by your doctor as soon as possible.

Because colon or other types of abdominal pain are difficult to diagnose, you should take the time to make note of your symptoms in order to help get to the root of the problem. Colon pain combined with fever and fatigue are often sure signs of an infection. Medication is prescribed to combat the infection and your duties simply include plenty of rest and a great deal of fluids.

Heartburn is a very common cause of abdominal pain. In some extreme cases, heartburn is also known as an ulcer. Immediate pain can be relieved with antacids. Future pain and long-term discomfort can be avoided by trying to decrease portion sizes. Also ask your doctor to examine your diet and make sure it's balanced. Try to avoid high levels of stress, since sustained distress can also cause ulcers.

Colon Pain - Things You Must Know

Prolonged periods of stress can lead to irritable bowel syndrome, also known as spastic colon. This type of colon pain occurs when the colon contracts too quickly or to slowly, the result of which is highly irregular bowel movements. A high fiber diet and stress reduction through rigorous exercise will help alleviate this problem.

If it's been a long time since your last bowel movement and you have persistent colon pain than the culprit is likely constipation. This is another problem with a relatively simple solution. Laxatives, along with fiber and plenty of fluids are again the solution to the problem. Combined, they help regulate the colon and will therefore reduce the amount of pain and discomfort brought about by constipation.

There are those who are convinced that colon cleansing is the key to avoiding additional problems that come with colon pain. Among the benefits promoted are reducing the level of toxins in the body, increasing energy, and improving total health. A diet that includes a lot of fiber and fluids to help your body rid itself of waste and bacteria is always a good idea. Initiating a regular colon cleanse program can, however, leave you dehydrated, anemic, and undernourished.

Colon Pain - Things You Must Know
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